About Dixon
Meet Warren Dixon
Warren is a third-generation real estate developer and market valuation professional. He is a nationally recognized industry leader in market valuation with over thirty years of property valuation leadership experience, investment, and system design. He has successfully led large teams both in the public and private sector. He has been appointed by multiple Governors to lead statewide taskforces focusing on the smart growth of real estate property tax base. He resides with his wife and three boys in Southeast Tennessee.
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Dixon Development specializes in custom built homes in surrounding Chattanooga area. We are dedicated to quality, integrity, and superior craftsmanship. We work with you every step of the way, starting with the design process through the final stages of construction.
Dixon Development is a full service commercial real estate company with an integrated development and investments platform
Diversify with commercial and residential real estate with the potential to generate income and grow in value.
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